Monday, November 30, 2009

Myspace freinds list is hidden?

My freinds list on my myspace page is hidden wat code will make it un hidden?

Myspace freinds list is hidden?

It should be in your preferences somewhere. I believe that if you are under a certain age (16? 18?) your profile automatically becomes hidden.

Myspace freinds list is hidden?

u cant unhide it..u can only hide it.u prolly put a code for it and u dont even know =)

Myspace freinds list is hidden?

maybe u have some kind of code...

make sure you dont have any myspace codes, and then see if the friends list is hidden, or not...

the only way to hide your friends list, is to use a myspace code..

so make sure you dont have any myspace codes in your myspace profile...go to edit, and make sure nothing is there...

good luck...

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