Monday, November 30, 2009

How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

Some people that I know on myspace have a hidden, "add me" link. I can't figure out how to add them. It's not fair, can you help me please?? Thanks. :]]

How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

Go to someones Add Me thing and copy the Friend ID of the person you want to add. Insert the Friend ID on the other Friend ID on the link of the Add Me thing.


How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

Here is the link below to add a friend.

All you have to do is put the friend ID at the end of the = sign and paste it into a browser window. You can find the friend ID when you go to their site in the address bar.

good luck

How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

just move your mouse cursor over the box where that link would be and where you see on the bottom of the browser where it says something along the lines of addfriend...verify friend ID click there and you should see the add friend confirmation.

How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

If you're in firefox you can go


page style %26gt;

and change it to

'no style'

then you will be able to see everything - comments, friends etc

their add me button will be there


How can I add someone on myspace with a hidden "add me" link.?

on the top left corner. there's short cuts, just click on it and choose the add button:]

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