Monday, November 30, 2009

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

I want it to be a message, not a comment because I want it to be private so only she can see it. There must be a way, right?

Can I please get help from all of you myspace wizards out there?

Much appreciated!!!!!!!

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

just use the new SHORTCUTS dropdown box at the top of the profile - it has all the same contacting links that the contact table has

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

on the toolbar get her myspace id code copy it... go to someone elses page and click message me but erase their code and put hers in it and click go.. and then it should work.

Good Luck!

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

if she has sent a comment to you at all you can click on it and at the bottom there will be a place to message not comment

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

If her profile its correctly designed, she should have a link or customized button somewhere around. Maybe with an envelope symbol.

If not, go to your homepage and click on "Compose". There you'll be able to choose the contact to whom you want to send the mail.

Also, a great trick is if you have Firefox, click on the upper menu, View, then on Page Style click "No Style".

Now you'll see the profile without any "makeup" on. ;)

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

go into your inbox and click Compose. Type her name in the "To" area... then it's pretty self-explanitory

easiest way =]

My friend's contact table is hidden on myspace-how do I message her?

on the top of her or anyones page, there should be a drop down box that says "user shortcuts" you can do anything except comment, and maybe pics. :D

oops, sorry, i didnt see the comments above mive :X

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