i want this song
and i cant wait till this person replys to me
i heard even though they got it hidden you can still get it??? likeee u can find their music histor but my frnd didnt tell me how and i despretly need it =[
How can i get the song even though the player is hidden on myspace????
Uh...if you have Firefox you can go to view or something, click page style and choose no style. It'll take all the fancy stuff off and leave you with the default profile so you can see the player.
Or you can post the link to the page and we can help you figure out the name of the song...
How can i get the song even though the player is hidden on myspace????
well if your using Mozilla Internet which is free to download
you can go to view%26gt;page style%26gt; and click no style and you will see comments, friends, and everything that was hidden
just remember to turn the page style back to normal
How can i get the song even though the player is hidden on myspace????
Go to your myspace homepage. Click edit profile. The page will then load and you will need to look for the blue text that says Song %26amp; Video towards the top of the page. Click on the text Song %26amp; Video tab. That page will load and you will see the text that says Click here to view and edit song history: Profile song history. Click the blue text that says profile song history. Now look at the url and somewhere in the url you will see your friend id numbers. You need to replace YOUR friend id numbers with the other person's friend id numbers. You can get their friend id numbers by going to their profile and looking at the url.
How can i get the song even though the player is hidden on myspace????
i think you need to work hard to get it
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