Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is there any way to see hidden albums on someones myspace page?

The only way you can make sure that no one see your pictures is that make sure that the album is private before you upload the picture to that album. Your friends will get the update that you have uploaded a photo even if you later change the album setting to private from public or friends only.

Is there any way to see hidden albums on someones myspace page?

no. there is a reason why the are hidden.

Is there any way to see hidden albums on someones myspace page?

well the only way other ppl can view someone else albums if youre their friends by adding you onto their myspace friends list and also some of them put their albums such pics on private .so that nobody else cant see them and steal them from others albums.

Is there any way to see hidden albums on someones myspace page?

unfortunately, NO.

i think thats because the settings are quite slow, thats why people can comment u eventhough u keep it private.

it takes 24 hours to private em but sometimes in a just a minute u can private urs

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