Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do you make your friends and comments hidden from others on myspace?

Actually, they're wrong, you can. And it's easy. This is the best way because anyother way it will also hide your "Who I'd Like to Meet". Put this code at the bottom of your who you'd like to meet section: %26lt;div style="display:none"%26gt; %26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt; Good Luck!

How do you make your friends and comments hidden from others on myspace?

You can't, all you can do is make your profile private so people that arent your friends can't see. But you cannot hide them from individual users seeing them. If you want to make your profile private it is under settings.

How do you make your friends and comments hidden from others on myspace?

To hide your comments and friends on your main profile, here you go:

Paste this in the About Me section or any section you can update:

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table.friendscomments {

display: none;


table.friendspace {

display: none;


How do you make your friends and comments hidden from others on myspace?


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