Thursday, December 3, 2009

Myspace layout is hidden under the boxes and wording... please help..?

I want to put my Bulldogs as my layout, I know how and where to upload the pic but when I try to paste it I get the pic underneath the boxes and friends and all the wording so you can not see my pic.. Maybe I am not putting the code in right place? How can I put that where you can "see thru it"?

thanks for all the help.

Myspace layout is hidden under the boxes and wording... please help..?

read the help section of myspace

Myspace layout is hidden under the boxes and wording... please help..?

Use this instead: (It goes at the end of your "about me")


body {background-image:url(URL HERE); background-position:center center; background-attachment:fixed; }

table, tr, td {background-color:transparent; }

div table {background-color:transparent; }

.bodyContent {background-color:transparent !important;}


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