Thursday, December 3, 2009

I tried the code for hide comments but keep the links.And it made my friends hidden.I want them back

The code is not working...Ive tried every single one that i came across and nothing...It hides my comments and keeps the links...But my tops friends becomes hidden as well...And thats not what i want at all...I have no idea what else to do...Ive tried everything...Does ne one have ne idea

I tried the code for hide comments but keep the links.And it made my friends hidden.I want them back.4 myspace

Use this:


{-hide comments only, keep "add comment"-}

.redlink {display:none;}

td.text td.text table {border:0px !important;}

.FriendsComments table table {display:none;}

.friendsComments td {height:0px;}

.FriendsComments td {background-color:transparent;}

.FriendsComments td td b a {display:inline;}

.friendsComments td.text td b {display:none;}

.friendsComments td.text td td b {display:inline;}


I tried the code for hide comments but keep the links.And it made my friends hidden.I want them back.4 myspace

You need to delete the HTML code that you entered. You may want to delete all the codes and start fresh look for the code on google when you delete the HTML keep your text!

Try using codes from major companys if they have alot of pop ups they probably arent good sites to be visiting! Happy hunting

I tried the code for hide comments but keep the links.And it made my friends hidden.I want them back.4 myspace

delete the code from ur about me section

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